IGNOU Assignment Guidelines: The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a unique university where attending classes isn’t mandatory. Most students rely solely on IGNOU study materials to prepare for their exams. To ensure students are actively learning, IGNOU requires them to complete assignments.

Many students struggle with creating IGNOU assignments, especially at first. Don’t worry, this post will guide you through everything you need to know!

Don’t ignore IGNOU assignments

Listen up, IGNOU students! Don’t underestimate the importance of assignments. They contribute a whole 30% to your final marks, with the remaining 70% coming from the Term End Exam (TEE).

Think lightly of assignments, and your final grades might suffer. I’ve seen it happen – students ace the TEE but neglect assignments, only to regret it later when their overall score plummets.

Read complete detail about IGNOU assignments

IGNOU Assignments Rules

Don’t make the same mistake! Treat assignments with the same seriousness as the TEE. If you want good grades and divisions, you gotta nail those assignments.

But how? Here are the key rules:

IGNOU has set some rules for creating and submitting assignments that you must follow.

1. Separate Assignments for Each Subject:

You must create and submit separate assignments for each subject you have enrolled in.

2. Timely Submission:

Submit your assignments within the specified deadline. You cannot take the TEE exam for a subject without submitting its assignment. If you attempt the exam without submitting the assignment, your result may be cancelled.

3. Complete Answers:

Answer all the questions in the assignment. Before submitting, ensure you have answered all the questions thoroughly. Incomplete answers will not fetch good marks.

4. Timely Posting:

If you are sending the assignment by post, mail it well before the deadline so that it reaches your study center on time. The university/study center moderator has the right to reject assignments received after the deadline.

5. Submission at Study Center:

Submit your assignments at your study center. You will receive it back after it is checked.

6. Keep a Copy:

If possible, keep a copy of the assignment you submit. This will help you if there are any problems later. If you do not receive the checked copy after submitting the assignment, contact your study center.

7. Incorrect Marks:

If you think the marks for your assignment are incorrect in the mark sheet, contact your study center for a correction.

These are some important rules to keep in mind. Now, let’s look at some guidelines that will make creating assignments easier.

IGNOU Assignment Guidelines

IGNOU has set some guidelines for students to follow while creating assignments.

1. Read the Guidelines Carefully:

Read the guidelines for your assignment question carefully and follow any special rules mentioned.

2. Title Page:

On the top right side of the first page of your answer sheet, write your enrollment number, name, address, signature, and date.

On the top left side of the first page, write the program title, course code, course title, assignment code, and study center name.

3. Answer Format:

Read the question in the book thoroughly and prepare an outline. Once you are ready to write the answer, write it clearly and underline the main points.

4. Paper and Margins:

Write your answer on good quality paper, not too thin. Leave a 4 cm margin on the left side of the paper while writing the answer.

Leave 4 lines between the answers to two questions. This space will allow the examiner to write their opinion about the answer.

5. Writing Style:

Write the answer yourself. Do not print or type it.

Write the answer in your own words. Do not copy the answer directly from the IGNOU study material.

Do not copy someone else’s answer word for word. If caught, your assignment may be rejected.

Create separate assignments for all your subjects.

6. Answer Format:

When writing an answer, write the question number or, if possible, the entire question before writing the answer.

7. Proof of Submission:

After completing and submitting the assignment, always take an “Assignment Receipt” from the study center moderator. This receipt is proof that you have submitted your assignment and will be useful in case of any confusion later.

8. Study Center Change:

If you have applied to change your study center, continue submitting your assignments to your old study center until you receive confirmation of the study center change from IGNOU.

9. Evaluation Discrepancies:

If you find any discrepancies in the evaluation of your assignment or if your marks are incorrect, contact your study center and request a correction. Once the correction is made, inform the Student Registration and Evaluation Division of IGNOU.

By following these guidelines, you can create high-quality assignments that will impress your examiners and help you achieve good grades.


Friends, these are some guidelines that will help you a lot while creating IGNOU assignments. By following all these rules and guidelines, your chances of getting good marks in IGNOU assignments will increase.

Now you know why assignments are important and you also know the rules and guidelines for creating them.

Through this post, we have tried to explain to you the importance of IGNOU assignment creation, rules and guidelines. We also hope that you will benefit from this post and you will be able to get good marks in the assignment.